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Feb 16, 2024

Discover Insights Instantly

Discover Insights Instantly

Introducing the new Results Panel – a comprehensive summary of all quest responses at your fingertips. Instantly view the accuracy of responses, the distribution of votes in polls, and detailed insights into each task. Accessible directly from the quest editor, under the "Results" tab, it's never been easier to monitor the success rate and gather valuable feedback.

Inline edits

Experience the convenience of inline editing in the admin quest view. Make immediate adjustments by simply clicking on any quest property and typing. This feature streamlines the editing process, allowing for quicker updates and refinements. Learn more about seamless quest customization in our Quests documentation.

Inline edits

Other fixes & improvements

  • Allow updating billing email
  • Auto-reject claims when banning users
  • Align API task test to with call on claiming
  • Fix Discord members count not being up to date for some communities
  • Update analytics data more frequently
  • Twitter quest UX improvements: better label, storing interactions in cookies and clearer error messages
  • Redirect back to new settings when Discord bot connection fails
  • Fix members panel redirecting to old user profile