What we do

Zealy is a better way to engage customers

Meet the new standard for modern customer engagement. Drive growth and build loyalty with quests, sprints, and insights.

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In good company

Thousands of businesses, millions of contributors

Powering the world’s most successful communities, from next-gen startups to established enterprises, in gaming and beyond.

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Simplify customer engagement

Automate your entire workflow, from onboarding to task delegation. Easy-to-use, modular tasks make contributing simple and valuable for everyone. Get started immediately with battle-tested templates.

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Autopilot on

Bring back momentum and keep the contribution fun with sprints. Whether you launch a new feature, organize an event, or sell products, getting customer engagement is a snap with periodic leaderboard rewards.

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Analytics & CRM

Get a 360° view

Great companies are built by teams who know their users. Discover your most engaged customers, and segment audiences for targeted actions. Offer personalized, real-time experiences that drive growth and build loyalty.

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