
What's new

New updates and improvements to Zealy

Top performance rewards

Top performance rewards

We now reward top-performing tweets, not just any tweet.

This changes everything. Quality trumps quantity. Real engagement is what counts now. No more using fake accounts – your main account with its reach is your best asset.

Here's how it works: Admins set up the task with a reward for top tweets. You craft and share your best content. The tweet with the most interactions or views takes the prize.

The benefits are clear. You get authentic promotion, meaningful engagement, and real growth for your project. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

Ready to boost your Twitter game? Set up your first high-impact tweet task and watch your community thrive.

Now available for enterprise customers.

Hassle-free promotion scheduling

Say goodbye to email back-and-forths. Premium communities, your life just got easier.

Book your landing page promotions with a few clicks. No more waiting. No more confusion.

Head to the Billings settings to find our new scheduling tool. Pick your dates, confirm, and you're set. It's that simple.

Available for Plus and Enterprise customers.

Schedule promotions section

Other fixes & improvements

  • Fix Twitter URL in the reviews panel
  • Fix issue with role rewards not