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Jun 10, 2024

Twitter followers condition

Twitter followers condition

You can now create quests accessible only to users with a specific number of Twitter followers. This feature allows you to limit your Tweet tasks to users with a certain reach.

Pricing notifications

Emails will now be sent to the community owner when the community is nearing the limit of the current plan. This gives you a heads up to upgrade your plan before the community is locked, or before you start getting charged for overage. Please monitor your billing email's inbox.

Pricing notifications

Quest debug warnings

Our latest update to the admin panel makes it easy to identify malfunctioning quests. If a quest isn't working as intended, a yellow warning color will appear on the malfunctioning field.

Quest debug warnings

Other fixes & improvements

  • Select all quests in a module using the top checkbox
  • A checkmark is now displayed next to the selected quest condition to help identify it in the list
  • A notification appears in the inbox if Discord roles are not properly set up
  • Improved label for quests that have failed without a retry option
  • Invites from users who have been demoted or banned are automatically invalidated
  • Quests that have reached the claim limit are now shown as 'expired'
  • Fixed loading of link metadata for 'Visit Link' tasks
  • We no longer request a wallet connection for communities where the blockchain is disabled