

Automate actions on external platforms



This guide is about the API task. You can find our full API documentation here.

API quests are used to automate quests on external platforms. You might use it to confirm that the user has registered or made a purchase, has opened a PR for an issue on Github or to add support Reddit. The possibilities are endless. To get started and try out the functionality we offer a basic endpoint you might use to do partnerships with other Zealy communities. Learn more about how to set it up below.


Creating an "API" Task

  1. Click on 'Add task'.
  2. Select 'Api'
  3. Define the endpoint to call and an API key if needed
  4. Choose how the users can identify. If choosing wallet connection, you can also choose which network to use.

New blockchains

For in depth information about how APIs are expected to work, please see the API documentation

Integration with Domino

Domino is the Web3 Zapier. It allows you to extend the capabilities of Zealy and automatically review tasks that are not natively supported, such as:

  • Checking if a user's Twitter name or bio contains a specific word
  • Checking a user's NFT & token balance
  • Verifying that a user has invited a certain number of people on Discord
  • And many more

Check out their documentation for integration.

Endpoint testing

When configuring the endpoint we will automatically run the following tests to make sure that the endpoint is working as expected:

  1. Checking so the call doesn't take longer than 10 seconds
  2. Verifying that the error message is in the correct format so that we might display it to the user
  3. Making sure that it's not any of the unexpected status codes. The endpoint should only return 200 or 400.

Creating a custom endpoint


You can use the API tasks with a custom POST endpoint accepting the following body:

   * The user id on Zealy
  userId: string;
   * Your community id on Zealy, if you use the endpoint
   * on multiple communities this might be useful
  communityId: string;
   * Your community's subdomain on Zealy, if you use the endpoint
   * on multiple communities this might be useful
  subdomain: string;
   * The id of the quest
  questId: string;
   * This will be generated on every claim as a way to look up an error.
   * It will also be displayed for the user when a claim fails.
  requestId: string;
   * Accounts will be sent if at least one identification method has been configured
  accounts?: {
     * The user's email address
    email?: string;
     * The user's Ethereum wallet address that he has authenticated with
    wallet?: string;
     * The user's Discord id and handle
    discord?: {
      id: string;
      handle: string;
     * The user's Twitter id and username
    twitter?: {
      id: string;
      username: string;

You can protect it with an API key that is set when creating the task. The API key will be send in the headers like this:

  "X-Api-Key": apiKey,


If the action has been performed successfully by the user you should return a 200 status. The user will then successfully claim the task.

  "message": "User completed the action"

Otherwise, the 400 status should be returned in the response along with a message in the body. The message will be displayed with the generated requestId to help you and the user debug any issues. Make sure that it is as descriptive as possible.

  "message": "We could not find a user with email"

Code example

// server.js
// Use this sample code to handle quest verification in your endpoint.
// 1) Paste this code into a new file (server.js)
// 2) Install dependencies
//   npm install express
// 3) Run the server on http://localhost:3000
//   node server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const apiKey = '5888a6800dbac634e52d8504f097e064'; // Replace with your API key configured in Zealy task'/claim', express.raw({ type: 'application/json' }), (req, res) => {
  const payload = req.body;
  const headers = req.headers
  if (apiKey !== headers['x-api-key']) {
    throw new Error('Invalid API Key')
  const success = true; // Replace with custom logic
  if (!success) {
    return res.status(400).send({
      message: 'Validation failed' // Replace with custom error message - will be displayed to the user
  return res.status(200).send({
    message: "Quest completed"
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Running on port 3000'));

Local testing with ngrok

When developing and testing your custom endpoint locally, you need a way to expose your local server to the internet so Zealy can send API requests to it. ngrok is a tool that creates secure tunnels to localhost and is perfect for this purpose. Follow these steps to set up ngrok and test your endpoint:

Step 1: Install ngrok Download ngrok from ngrok's website. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Step 2: Set up ngrok Sign up for a free ngrok account and get your authtoken from the ngrok dashboard. Connect your ngrok account by running ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN in your terminal, replacing YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN with the token from your ngrok dashboard.

Step 3: Start your local server Ensure your local server that hosts the endpoint is running. For instance, if your server is a Node.js app, you might run node server.js.

Step 4: Expose your local server with ngrok Open a new terminal window and start an ngrok tunnel to your local server's port (e.g., 3000) using ngrok http ngrok will display a forwarding URL in the terminal (e.g., This is the public URL that Zealy will use to reach your local server.

Step 5: Configure your API task in Zealy Use the ngrok forwarding URL as the endpoint URL when setting up your API task in Zealy. Ensure to append any required path, for example,

Note: Remember, ngrok URLs are temporary and change every time you restart ngrok, unless you have a paid subscription that supports custom subdomains. Make sure to update the endpoint in Zealy every time you restart ngrok.

By following these steps, you can easily test and debug your custom endpoint in a local development environment before deploying it to a production server.


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