

Invite your friends to join the community and earn rewards.



Inviting friends not only grows our community but also rewards you. Find your unique invite link under the community banner or in your quests.


Getting Your Invite Link: Easily locate your invite link in your quests or click on the community banner. Share this link with friends to invite them.

Notifications: Once a friend joins through your link, you'll receive a notification confirming their arrival. Note that the invitation will only be counted for the community you invited them to, not if they join another community as well.

Invites link

Tracking invites

Customizing Invites: Communities set their own rules, including the XP needed for an invite to count. Often, invites are "consumable", meaning they're used up as you complete quests. For example, if you successfully invite four friends and use a quest requiring three invites, you'll have one left over. Need to complete a five-invitation quest? Just invite four more friends.

Checking Status: Curious about your invites? In an invite task, click "Show my invites" to view the status of your invites.

  • Active: Invites that are eligible for claiming the task.
  • Pending: Invites that have not met the requirements. For example, the invitee hasn't reached the minimum XP or hasn't claimed a mandatory quest.
  • Consumed: Invites that have already been used to claim an invite task.

Invites modal

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