
What's new

New updates and improvements to Zealy

Daily discord summary

Daily discord summary

Get notified on Discord about your community's activity, without getting flooded by notifications. With our new daily summary, you can know how many quests were completed that day in each category.

This feature is replacing the previous 'Completed Quest' automation. We're also disabling the 'level up' automation, as it was not used by many communities and these two features were causing issues with Discord's rate limits. To replace any existing 'level up' condition, we suggest using a role reward on a quest that has the level condition set.

Top referrer

Learn where most of your members are coming from with the new top referrer chart. You can find it in the 'Analytics' section of your community. This is handy to know which acquisition channels to double down on, or discontinue.

Referral URL

Other fixes & improvements

  • Order 'My Communities' by favorited first
  • Disconnect Twitter account from a community
  • Updated cookie information to comply with GDPR